To build a strong partnership and to provide them an alternative livelihood through rabbitry enterprise, the Community Livelihood Program under the Social Fence Project led by the Office of Campus Administration Special Project-Pili Campus inked a Memorandum of Agreement and dispersed starter kits to the twelve (12) University farmers’ community on September 13, 2022 at DLEM Lecture Hall, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur.
This MOA signing was graced by the presence of the following person; Dr. Celerino B. Llesol, Jr., Campus Administrator-Pili Campus, Dr. Ramona Isabel S. Ramirez, Vice President for Research and Innovation, Dr. Marilyn B. Balderas, Dean of College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Dr. Vladimir R. Foronda, Extension Services Division Director.
The Rabbitry enterprise beneficiaries are expected to continue Rabbit production after they have produced bunnies ready to be transferred to other beneficiaries. Moreover, the University will provide technical assistance and facilitate the transfer, commercialization, and adoption of technologies generated by the University. Also, the University will lead in implementing related research projects in the area where the project sites of the farmers’ community, which will be served as inputs for future collaboration as well as in mobilizing members and other recipients for the conduct of seminar/training related to rabbit production.
The duration of the project and the MOA will be valid for a period of three years.