IPDO conducts Review and Cascading of FY 2022 Performance Targets

On August 12,Β  2021, the University through the Institutional Planning and Development Office and University Budget Office conducted the Target-setting and Operational Planning workshop (TOP) to prepare the University’s Operational/ Investment Plan for FY 2022.
The activity generally aims to prepare essential documents to guide the delivery units (colleges and admin and support services offices) and the individual faculty teaching and non-teaching personnel in relation to the operations of the University, especially the targets and priority PPAs. At the end this, the following will be achieved:
This Plan serves as the basis for the delivery units in setting their targets for the year 2022. As action plan for next year, this will now be expressed in the form of Office Performance Commitment Report (OPCR) and Quality Objectives (QOs) which serves as basis for the implementation of the strategic program. Hence, cascading of targets for FY 2022 will be conducted to outline the objectives and targets necessary to concretize measures and projects to be realized by the relevant departments, support services and administrative offices including the individual faculty and non-teaching personnel.
The activity was attended by the University/ campus officials of the campuses and each prepared their respective Work and Financial Plan (WFP) and Project Procurement and Management Plan (PPMP). These outputs provide inputs in the preparation of the University Operational Plan that contains the list of Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs) with allocated budget for the purpose.
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