To revisit and analyze the university’s energy-consuming systems, the Department of Energy-Energy Efficiency and Conservation Public Sector Management Division conducted an Energy Spot Check or Government Energy Management Program (GEMP) Assessment at Central Bicol State University of Agriculture on May 17, 2023, where CBSUA received a high rating of 96% from the auditing team.

Present in the audit are the Director of Physical Plant and Development Services, Engr. Dino Relativo; Director of Institutional Planning and Development Office, Dr. Emerson Bergonio; staff member to represent Dr. Philip Talay, Director of the University Resilience Center and other staff members from the mentioned offices.

The audit team is impressed with the University’s current practices on energy conservation and commended them for taking actions on the findings on the previous audit. On April 5, 2021, DOE conducted a virtual energy audit spot check and gave the University a rating of 94.6%.

The GEMP is done to determine the possibilities for energy efficiency and conservation on its electrical facilities, particularly to achieve more efficient measures for the existing air cooling units and lighting systems. With the rating the Univeristy received from the auditors, it is even more challenged seek for more ways to conserve energy and be active contributors in preservation of the environment from further destruction.   


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