CBSUA-College of Development Education (CDE), in partnership with Universitas Mataram (UNRAM) conducts International Credit Transfer Program (ICTP) Orientation on January 19, 2022, via Zoom videoconferencing.
The orientation was deemed successful by CDE and UNRAM Faculty members, Student Exchange participants, and CBSUA and UNRAM administrators. It was deemed successful as it entails a further and solid partnership between the two institutions.
The activity was made possible by Dr. Raquel M. Reapor, Dean, CDE; Rey-mark G. Basagre, SEP Chairperson; Kennedy A. Beltran, EEP Chairperson; Cherry Love B. Montales, EdD, CDE International Linkages Coordinator; and, in coordination with the office of the Vice President of Business and External Affairs, headed by Prof. CESAR ARMANDO S. CAMBA, Sr.