CEFS, CANR collab in Kyoto University, Umeda talks on SF
SPEAKING’S SMART: College of Engineering and Food Science student, Krizylda Ochavo actively participates during the Seminar on Development of Mechanized and Smart Farming Technologies on 2 October 2018 held at Alvaro Rabina Hall, CBSUA. (Photo Credits to PIO)

CEFS, CANR collab in Kyoto University, Umeda talks on SF

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To provide avenue for future research, extension and collaboration with Kyoto University in Japan, the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (DAEn) and PSABE PPG CBSUA Chapter hold a Seminar…

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Outreach program reaches Elem in Cam Sur
LITERACY IS THE KEY: College of Economics student and organization officer, Emmy Tañamor, gathers the pupils of Del Rosario Elementary School in Ocampo, Camarines Sur for book reading during their outreach program on 23 September 2018. (Photo Credits to Cherry Ibarlin)

Outreach program reaches Elem in Cam Sur

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CES strengthens org Central Bicol State University of Agriculture’ College of Economics and Management (CEM) and Council of Economics Students (CES)- Officers and Leaders conducted feeding program and gift- giving…

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