Gender and Development
Programs and Projects
Plans and Targets
Functions of the GAD Focal Point System (GFPS)
The GAD Office and the GFPS, composed of the following components, shall have the following functions:
SUC President III
- Presents to the highest governing board policies, programs and/or recommendations if so require.
- Issues policies or other directives that support GAD Mainstreaming.
- Approves GAD Plans and Budget.
- Certifies the implementation of GAD Programs,Projects and Activities (PPAs) and GAD Accomplishments.
Vice President for Administration and Finance
Vice President for Research, Extension, Production and Entrepreneurial Development
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Director, Legal Services
Campus Administrators
- Reviews policies for recommendation by the University President to the highest governing board if necessary.
- Recommends for approval by the University President the proposed GAD PPAs of their respective cluster.
- Ensures timely submission of GAD-related reports.
- Ensures effective and efficient implementation of GAD PPAs.
GAD Program Head
Director, Financial Management Service
Director,Planning, Resource Generation and Institutional Linkages
Director, Research and Development
Director,Extension Services
Director,Curricular Reform and Development
Budget Officer
Director, Human Resource Development
Campus GAD Coordinators
- Leads in mainstreaming gender perspective in the university policies, plans and programs.
- Ensures assessment of gender responsiveness of the university based on the needs and concerns of various stakeholders.
- Leads in monitoring and evaluating the gender sensitivity/responsiveness of proposed GAD
- PPAs for endorsement to the appropriate Governing Board Member/s and to the Governing Board Chair.
- Leads in monitoring the judicious use of GAD Fund.
- Formulates recommendations in the implementation of GAD plan and budget.
- Ensures the establishment and maintenance of sex-disaggregated data or GAD Database.
- Spearheads the preparation of GAD Plan and Budget.
- Strengthens external links with other agencies including regional and attached agencies.
- Promotes and actively pursues the participation of women in various steps of development planning.
- Assists in capability development and provision of technical assistance as needed.
- Monitors and directs the Secretariat.
College Deans
Department Chairpersons
Director, National Service Training Program
Director, Office of Student Affairs and Services
Director, General Administration Support Services
Director, Physical Plan Division
Director, Auxiliary Services Management
Director, Production and Entrepreneurship Development
Cashier Officer
President, CBSUA Faculty Association
President, CBSUA Non-Teaching Association
President, University Supreme Student Council
University Librarian
Director, Quality Assurance Office
- Formulates college/office/unit-based GAD PPAs and facilitates its implementation.
- Leads the conduct of advocacy activities.
- Maintains sex-disaggregated data.
- Prepares and consolidates their respective GAD Plan and Budget and Accomplishment Report.
- Provides regular updates and recommendations to the GAD Focal Committee.
GAD Activity Coordinator
Accounting Clerk
- Assist in the coordination, monitoring and implementation of GAD PPAs.
- Consolidate the university GAD Plan and Budget and Accomplishment Report.
- Encode the university GAD Plan and Budget for submission to various monitoring agencies.
- Consolidate sex-disaggregated data reports from colleges/offices/units.