TECHNICAL SERVICES – responsible for the growth of the library holdings, proper classification, organization and utilization of library resources. It has different tasks as follows:
- Accessioning – this is the process of adding to a collection of the library by recording the bibliographic information of books/ library materials in an accession record whereby an accession number is assigned;
- Barcoding – assigning barcode number to every book/library material to become one of the access points in the library system;
- Classifying- the process of assigning classification or subject number using the standard scheme of classification (Dewey Decimal Classification) for proper organization of books in the bookshelves;
- Cataloging – the process of recording bibliographic description, subject analysis, assignment of classification notation of a book /library materials and creating entries for a catalog;
- Automation- the process of application and utilization of computer-based product/s and services in the performance of different library operations and functions such as acquisitions, cataloging, serials control, circulation, inventory, report generations; and others;
- Indexing- a type of reference source that lists periodical articles by subject or author that can help the researcher/s find articles about the particular topic searched;
- Repair and binding- this refers to the fixing of the worn out and damaged pages of books and other printed library materials;
- Weed-out- this is the process of deselecting of books and other library materials that need to condemn or weed out based on the criteria set by the library.