The Central Bicol State University of Agriculture receives the Quacquerelli Symonds (QS) 4-Stars University Rating during the awarding ceremony on Monday, September 27, 2021, at the CBSUA Board Room, 10:00 am via Zoom.
SUC President IV, Dr. Alberto N. Naperi, invites and requests your presence in the celebration of the CBSUA community’s recent achievement. Meeting details are provided below. Those who will not be able to join in the Zoom App may watch on FB Live.
The preparations of CBSUA for the QS Stars Audit started on January 2021, where its processes were evaluated based on the standards of Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a leading international agency that evaluates educational institutions in the following categories: Teaching, Employability, Internationalization, Research or Academic Development, Facilities, Online Learning, Subject Ranking or Program Strength, Innovation, Arts and Culture, Social Responsibility, and Inclusiveness.
The Zoom Meeting credentials are as follows.
Meeting ID: 874488965117
Passcode: 4STARS