The College of Development Education through the Guild of English Majors (GEMS) successfully conducted an avenue for the 4th Year Students of BSED and BEED from the four campuses of CBSUA— Pili, Pasacao, Calabanga, and Sipocot to elevate their performance on the Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (LEPT).
The webinar workshop entitled “Enhancing English Proficiency for Better Performance in Licensure Examination” that was conducted on November 9,2021 via Zoom Video Conference enticed more than a hundred students to learn and partake in the activity. Maam Marivic Osi-Jornales shared her expertise and gave practice tests on enhancing English Proficiency and boosting test scores to graduating education students.
The event’s success was a result of the collaborative efforts exerted by the GEMS Officers headed by their president, Jordan Serrado, and GEMS adviser, Dr. Cherry Love B. Montales, together with the support of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ana E. Mirana; the CDE Dean, Dr. Raquel M. Reapor; the Secondary Education Program Chair, Rey-mark G. Basagre and the Elementary Education Program Chair, Kennedy A. Beltran. In addition, the utmost gratitude is extended to the participants, facilitators, invited resource speakers, and faculty members who attended and helped.
Let us not make this pandemic dim our spark. Congratulations to everyone!
Source: John Romer A. Reforsado