Newly-hired and promoted Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel took their oath of office to the university on 31 August 2021 at the CBSUA Auditorium.
SUC President IV, Dr. Alberto N. Naperi led the Oath-taking ceremony of the appointed officials who will be working with him in achieving the University’s vision of becoming an Agricultural Research University of Global Standards.
VP for Admin and Finance, Atty. Dominador F. Faurillo, presented the Organizational Structure and Key Academic and Administrative Officials, IPDO Director, Dr. Emerson L. Bergonio also presented the CBSUA as an Agricultural Research University of Global Standards. Likewise, VP for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ana E. Miraña talked about the Performance Management and Individual Performance Commitment and Review.
Key note speakers during the afternoon Induction Seminar were HRMO designate, Mr. Luigi Lorenzo N. Razal talked about the Employees Benefits and Privileges, and Legal Officer, Atty. Deonalaine Ivy P. Figura, tackled about the Gender Sensitivity and Anti-Sexual Harassment Act and Norms of Conduct, Duties and Performance Standards in the Civil Service.
The ceremony was facilitated by the Human Resource Management Office headed by the HRMO designate, Mr. Luigi Lorenzo N. Razal.
Health and safety protocols are followed in the conduct of the said activity.