As one of the University’s goals, to enable transformative and inclusive learning experiences, CBSUA students engaged in various activities to embody the camaraderie and creativity within.
SSC holds Pasiklove 2020 Along with the celebration of love and arts month, the University Supreme Student Council spearheaded “Pasiklove 2020” on 19-21 February 2020 at University Ball Grounds. Themed “Empowering the Artist Within,” the program commenced with the Seminar on Healthy Sexuality led by the Guidance Center.
Other activities such as Color Fun Run, On the Spot Poster Making Contest, Photo Contest, Spoken Word Poetry, Singing Competition, Dance Competition, Arts Exhibit (by college), and Flag Competition (by college) is participated in by the CBSUA students.
ACA spearheads Arts Month Celeb The Arts and Culture Affairs (ACA) sponsored the Enhancement Seminar-Workshop of different forms of Arts (Dancing, Singing, Theatre, and Film and Media Arts), and Arte de Varayte on 26-28 February 2020 at Social Hall, CBSUA-Pili. This year’s theme “Ani ng Sining: Philippine Arts Festival,” was participated in by ACA performers and selected cultural appreciation students from the four CBSUA campuses.