CBSUA-Sipocot Extension Services Unit thru College of Criminology and College of Industrial Technology spearheaded Extension activities in Cabusao and Sipocot respectively, on 9-10 February and 19 February 2021.
The College of Criminology (CC) in cooperation with the Local Government Unit of Cabusao conducted two-day extension activities in Barcelonita, Cabusao, Camarines Sur.
Damayan at UgnaYan sa Pamayanan (DUYAP) Program presented Mushroom Cultivation and Community Stingless Beekeeping and Production as alternative livelihood projects for farmers in the said municipality.
Extension Coordinator, Prof. Vilma Credo Lositano and the Dean, Prof. Gerry Bongalos welcomed the resource speakers and expressed ways to be of help to the farmers through their activities.
The College of Industrial Technology (CIT) headed the training-seminar on Stingless Bee Keeping and Production at Barangay Tible, Sipocot, Camarines Sur.
Similar to the College of Criminology, the CIT brought the Stingless Bee Keeping and Production Project under Integrated Organic Farm Program of the College which aimed to help farmers to be more abreast with organic farming.
Prof. Edmundo Casaul and Regional Apiculture Center Director, Prof. Lilia Capinig Pasiona shared their knowledge and expertise in their respective fields to assist the Sipocot Campus extensionists in delivering their services to the farmers. Their invaluable knowledge and expertise on organic farming especially on stingless beekeeping and production shared were expected to aid the farmers to engage in the actual process of farming.
CBSUA-Sipocot Extension Services Unit continues to serve its mandate and core agenda of providing extension services to the community and its stakeholders even during these trying times as CBSUA continues to initiate activities that will help achieve mission of building resilient and sustainable communities among its clients.
with reports from Prof. Renie B. Lotin, Prof. Lelia Taya, Prof. Shie MaƱares
Thirty students from Colegio de San Rafael Arcangel (CSRA) are set to gain real-world experience