With the continuing CHED-IDIG Project of CBSUA to foster consortium, eight officials of the Central Bicol State University of Agriculture led by its University President, Dr. Alberto N. Naperi went on an Academic visit at the University of the Philippines, Los Baños, Laguna, and the Philippine Normal University, Manila on December 1-4, 2021.
This action of President Napier is a manifestation of his strong involvement in the different undertakings of the University that are anchored on cooperation and collaboration with other commendable and highly reputable Higher Education Institutions in the country.
The visit aimed to gather feedback on the Ph.D. and MS engagements, highlight the possibility of the next offshore engagement with UPLB, look into the possible adoption of IT programs; gain further insights into the innovative implementation of the mandated functions that will pave the way for more collaborations in the near future through joint program offerings.
These are all in keeping with the University’s pursuit to better serve the studentry and to improve the delivery of programs and services to its stakeholders.
Other University officials in the said academic visit were Dr. Ana E. Miraña, VPAA; Dr. Claribelle C. Haber, Graduate School Dean, Dr. Vladimir R. Foronda, Extension Director; Prof. Vergel P. Miraña, CRD Director; Prof. Luigi Lorenzo Razal, HRMO/HRD Officer; Prof. Dennis C. Gabon, CIT Dean-Sipocot; and Dr. Christopher B. Dacer, former Program Chairperson of BEEd-CDE.
During the academic discourse with the University of the Philippines Los Baños, the two Institutions were able to evaluate the offering of the two programs, Ph.D. Development Studies and MS Veterinary Medicine, under the UP Off-Campus Program. It was emphasized in the discussion the benefits and advantages brought by the program. Also, this was an instrument for the continuing collaboration between the two institutions in offering more degree programs.
With the presentation of the University of the Philippines of its online program, the delegates from the CBSUA gained insights on how to improve and enhance the services we offer to our clients through online systems/programs/IMS.
During the academic discourse with the Philippine Normal University, the two institutions were able to share their best practices in terms of instruction, research, and extension. It was discussed that the two institutions can collaborate in offering programs which are double logo or the BS to MS straight program. In the discussion, PNU and CBSUA were able to identify several areas of collaboration that can benefit the two institutions and especially the students.
With the visit, the University wishes to foster a true and meaningful partnership with the aforementioned higher education institutions which are known for academic excellence both in the national and international arena.