CBSUA, DENR-ERDB, Vietnam Agri-U sign Research MOU

The Central Bicol State University University of Agriculture (CBSUA), the Ecosystem Research and Development Bureau (ERDB), and the Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding, 25th of August, 2021.
All parties realize the importance of exchanging research findings via an international meeting dubbed the International Conference on Education-Environment-and-Agriculture (ICEEA). This conference provides a forum for researchers to share their perspectives and ideas and to expand their understanding of modern strategies for increasing agricultural output. Additionally, it fostered scientific collaboration between academic specialists and other participants through information exchange and networking. Finally, it introduced modern technology and recent scientific studies, and the future of agriculture and related sectors.
All parties collaborated on the preparation and execution of joint conferences and are willing to communicate and collaborate openly and pleasantly to complete assigned tasks within the agreed timescales.
Dr. Alberto N. Naperi, President of CBSUA, Dr. Henry A. Adornado, Director of ERDB, and Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan, President of VNU, were all present at the virtual MOU.
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