College of Development Education (CDE) in cooperation with the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources conducted the Workshop on Bachelor of Technical- Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTED) Curriculum on 23 February 2021 at CDE Reading Center.
BSED Program Chairperson, Dr. Myra Luz M. Homillano, presented the Policies, Standards and Guidelines for the BTVTED for levelling off understanding of the new course offering.
The BTVTED program aims to prepare teachers in the TLE for Grade 9-10, senior high school for the Technical- Vocational Livelihood (TVL) track, Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET), and for Higher Education Institution offerings, BTVTED, and other allied programs.
The Curriculum Committee included CDE Dean, Dr. Raquel M. Reapor, CANR Dean, Dr. Marilyn B. Balderas, BSED and BEED Programs Chairpersons, Dr. Myra Luz M. Homillano and Dr. Christopher B. Dacer, respectively, Plant Science Department Chairperson, Dr. Ana T. Vibandor, Animal Science Department Chairperson, Prof. Angelo Francis F. Atole, CDE International Linkages Coordinator, Dr. Cherry Love B. Montales, Prof. Nida A. Aquino, Dr. Hermelina F. Azanez, Prof. Nelia A. Barce and Prof. Mary Grace B. Polvoriza.
Thirty students from Colegio de San Rafael Arcangel (CSRA) are set to gain real-world experience