Extension Modality Development pursues the development of extension delivery models for the holistic delivery of extension services of the University to its clientele and target communities.
a. Adopt-A-Community Program – a modality that shall effect transfer of technologies and good practices and guarantee relevance of CBSUA’s four-fold functions in instruction, research, extension and production to the development of its partner communities such as schools, barangays, parish, day care centers and cooperatives.
b. Techno-Gabay Program – a partnership program with PCARRD-BCARRD framed with four interrelated modalities: Farmers Information & Technology Service, Magsasaka Siyentista, Information, Education & Communication, and Information and Communication Technology.
c. Rainforestation cum Livelihood Program – an extension modality in the preservation of Philippine rainforest like Mt. Asog and at the same time provide alternative source of income like dairy goat raising and abaca production to farm families dwelling in the critical slopes of the mountain; with support from NEDA-PEP.
d. Volunteer Program