One of the most important concerns of the 21st century is the environment. The scale and nature of human activities have so degraded the environment that it has become a threat to human society. These concerns have brought out the need for individuals with training in the environment.
Environmental science seeks to study the environment and the impact of human society on it using the tools of science in an interdisciplinary way. There are three characteristics of environmental science. First, its primary objective is to use various science in the study of the environment. Second, it is based in the sciences but its approach is interdisciplinary. Thus, it employs the scientific method as its principal framework and applies whichever science is needed to the study of the environment. Third, it also recognizes the very important role that human society has in the environment. Environmental Science, therefore, is a vital tool in laying down the groundwork for the effective management of the environment.
It is in the context that a revised BS Environmental Science Curriculum is proposed. This program is envisioned to equip graduates with knowledge and skills in solving environmental problems, which are not provided in other fields of sciences. This program will provide much-needed trained manpower.
No of Semester 9 semesters
Total Units: 165
The program aims to expose the students in an integrated way to environmental processes and phenomena, as well as environmental issues, from the perspective of the natural sciences. It aims to train them to recognize and understand the natural environment how humans affect the environment, and how the environment impacts society.
The BSES graduates should be:
Equipped with sufficient knowledge on the scientific theories and techniques needed to monitor and understand environmentally quality;
- Able to integrate and apply the various discipline towards the understanding of environmental problems;
- Knowledge regarding relevant local, regional, and global environmental issues;
- Able to employ a rational structure approached to solving environmental problems;
- Prepare students for advanced studies.
Careers, Occupations, or Trades that the graduates of the BS Environmental Science program may enter.