

 The University Budget Office develops annual operating budgets, provides fiscal direction, improves budgetary methods and procedures,  allocates funds to programs, projects and activities on the basis of approved guidelines and budget priorities. It also prepares financial reports for management guidance and decision.

This Office is headed by the Budget Officer who performs the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. Assist in the development of budget guidelines, annual legislative funding request and budget documents;
  2. Review availability of fund and recommend budget revision requests for unrestricted funding, requisition for faculty member recruitment and contracts, and new positions for non-teaching personnel;
  3. Review and advise the University Financial Management Services Division on the financial viability/cost-benefit and the relative ranking of capital requests and special project/ program proposals for funding;
  4. Comply with scheduled and special reports, analyses, and feasibility studies such as annual data summaries and program status reports;
  5. Perform research and analysis to evaluate programs and develop recommendations for more cost-effective organization or funding mechanisms;
  6. Develop annual operating budgets and provides fiscal direction to the unit;
  7. Establish and implement short and long range unit goals, objectives, strategic plans, policies, and operating procedures; monitor and evaluate program and operational effectiveness and effect changes required for improvement;
  8. Promote harmonious relationship with other budget office coordinators in other campuses; and
  9. Perform other duties and functions as delegated by the University President.


  1. Process Funding Requests and Approval (FRAs) as to the certification of the availability of funds;
  2. Process Obligation Requests and Status (OBRS) and Budget Utilization Requests (BURS) as to the availability of allotment for Funds 101, 163, 164 and Special Trust Funds;
  3. Issues Notice of Sub-Allotment Advice to Other Campuses (Sipocot and Calabanga);
  4. Issues Monthly Funding Requirements to other Campuses (Sipocot and Calabanga);
  5. Prepares Annual Financial Plan (BED 1);
  6. Prepares Annual Monthly Disbursements Program (BED 3);
  7. Prepares Special Budget Proposal on the Utilization of Income;
  8. Prepares Realignment of Special Budget Proposal on the Utilization of Income
  9. Prepares Annual Program of Receipts and Expenditures (PRE)
  10. Prepares Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances (SAAODB);
  11. Prepares Summary of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances by Object of Expenditures (SAAODBOE);
  12. Prepares List of Allotments and Sub-Allotments (LASA);
  13. Prepares Statement of Approved Budget, Utilizations, Disbursements and Balances (SABUDB);
  14. Prepares Summary of Approved Budget, Utilizations, Disbursements and Balances by Object of Expenditures (SABUDBOE);
  15. Prepares Agency Financial Performance Reports (APR) for Funds 101 and 164;
  16. Prepares budgetary requests for appropriations under the “For Later Release” (FLR) including filling-up of positions, retirement gratuity and terminal leave benefits;
  17. Prepares budgetary requests for accounts payable and other Personnel Services (PS) deficiencies;
  18. Prepares budgetary requests for MDS Special Trust Funds;
  19. Prepares Normative Financing Reports (Form G and H) and;
  20. Provides advice and guidance on financial issues and concerns.


Head of Office


Acting University Budget Officer

Contact details

(054) 871 5531 to 33 local 106