Information Bulletin
Vision, Goals & Objectives
“Quality Learning, Quality Students”
Provide comprehensive support program services for the students’ total welfare and
•Provide relevant and comprehensive programs, activities and support facilities to enhance the students’ academic, technological, social, cultural and artistic work for the advancement of students’ academic pursuit by supporting their work and coordinate with the faculty and staff, administrators, parents and other uphold academic freedom among students by encouraging open exchange of competitions;
•Develop patriotic, morally upright and God-fearing students, imbued with the value of transparency, honesty and integrity; and
•Establish linkages and networks with external agencies to provide better educational/ learning opportunities for students development intelligences; competitiveness and leadership skills; stakeholders in the planning and implementation of development initiatives for participation to local, regional, national and international seminars, workshops, trainings, conventions and competitions;
•Students and in responding to students’ issues and concerns; scholarly ideas and expressions of individuality and the conduct of healthy.