Within the confines of prison walls, a place where incarceration is often synonymous with lost liberty and missed opportunities, twenty-two (22) Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) have defied the odds and embraced the opportunity to pursue a college education, earn a degree, and prepare for a future beyond confinement. They unlock doors with courage which serves as a powerful testament to the enduring human spirit and the limitless potential for redemption, even in the most unlikely of places.

In the first semester of the academic year 2024-2025, Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (CBSUA), in collaboration with the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) Naga City District Jail, launched the College Education Behind Bars Program (Expanding Educational Programs to Persons Deprived of Liberty). This initiative is the first of its kind in the Bicol Region and Southern Luzon, representing a groundbreaking effort to provide quality education to marginalized groups.

A Vision Realized: Collaboration and Commitment

The program was conceived when BJMP Acting District Jail Warden, JCINSP, Atty. Rodolfo I. Versoza, Jr. sought assistance from the CBSUA President, Dr. Alberto N. Naperi, to turn this vision into a reality. Recognizing the impact such an initiative could have, President Naperi readily embraced the opportunity. CBSUA’s Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources took the lead in developing a curriculum tailored to the PDLs’ needs, in collaboration with the Office of Campus Administrators and the Extension Services Division. 

Following this, approval was sought and obtained from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) on July 12, 2024, paving the way for the initiative’s rollout. Once CHED gave its seal of approval, CBSUA and BJMP formalized their partnership through the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on August 1, 2024. (For the full story, visit: With the MOA signed, CBSUA swiftly mobilized its resources and staff to ensure the program’s successful implementation.

From Vision to Reality: A Journey of Transformation

The program officially began on August 19, 2024, with the Admissions Office administering an entrance exam. By August 22, 2024, the University Registrar had enrolled twenty-two (22) PDLs in the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program. Later that day, an orientation seminar, led by the Office of the Students Affairs and Services, formally welcomed the PDL students and provided them with guidance on their academic journey.

Positive Progress and Addressing Needs

Two months after classes began, on October 4, 2024, an Interaction and Feedback Session was held at the BJMP Naga City District Jail. Key officials from both BJMP and CBSUA attended the event. Atty. Versoza expressed his deep gratitude for the collaboration, while CBSUA President, Dr. Alberto N. Naperi, reaffirmed the university’s commitment to the program, pledging continued support to ensure the success of the PDL students.

A highlight of the event was the testimonies of four PDL students, who shared their heartfelt experiences and immense gratitude for the opportunity to pursue higher education. Two students reflected on the challenges they faced accessing education outside, contrasting it with their current experience where tuition, transportation, and other barriers are no longer concerns. However, they also pointed out the lack of material resources such as laptops, desktop computers, and handouts. 

In response, CBSUA’s Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Emerson Bergonio, assured the students that the university is committed to addressing these needs and providing the necessary resources for their academic success.

A Beacon of Hope and Opportunity

The College Education Behind Bars Program offers a new beginning for these twenty-two (22) individuals. It’s a powerful reminder that even in the most marginalized corners of society, hope and opportunity can flourish. For these PDLs, the prison has become not just a place of confinement but a gateway to a brighter, more promising future.


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