Through its commitment to providing quality services and promoting an inclusive environment for students and its constituents, the Office of the Student Affairs and Services spearheaded a Writeshop Session on Student Affairs and Services Operations at the CBSUA University Library Hall on September 5, 2024.

Ms. Jessel Anne P. Rodriguez, the OSAS Director, led the writing workshop to enhance, update, and expand the content of the OSAS units services in the handbook. OSAS Unit heads and coordinators from the different campuses of CBSUA gathered to accomplish the task given and deliver the desired outcome. The presidents of the CBSUA Student Councils were also present in the writeshop to identify gaps and further improve the existing student organization policies.

Representatives from each unit presented their initial outputs crafted during the writeshop session. From the presentation, various discussions on significant matters that concern the improvement of the units operations manual were done.

This significant endeavor by OSAS is poised to empower students by providing them with the necessary tools and information to navigate their university journey effectively. The updated manuals will not only support student success but also foster a positive, inclusive, and engaging learning environment.


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