I. CCA Measures
- Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Systems
- Small Holder Farming Models in CSA
- Organic Agriculture Systems in CSA
- Agroforestry Models for CSA
- Crop-Livestock Systems for CSA
- Eco-DRR
- HVCA in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry/Hazard and Vulnerability Mapping
- Early Warming Systems and Post Disaster Needs Assessment
- Crop-Weather Relations and Climate Predictive Models
- IKS on CCA
- Risk Communications Systems
II. Food Security/Livelihood Security/Organic Agriculture
- Gene Banking Systems
- Seed Production and Management Systems
- Alternative Food and Feed Production Systems (Organic Agriculture)
- Alternative Sources of Food, Feed ingredients and Production Systems
- Improvement of Post Harvest Systems including Machinery
- Clean and Green Post Harvest Systems
- Improved marketing Systems
- Rural and Urban: Improving Interface Mechanics
- Traditional Foods and Livelihoods
- Extension Delivery Systems
III. Curricular Reform
- Improving Educational Technologies in Higher Education
- Improving Teaching – Learning Modalities
- Policy and Mechanisms in Response to the K to 12
- Manpower Supply and Demand Studies
- Graduate Tracer Studies
- Improving Governance in Higher Education
- Developing Results-Based Performance Evaluation Systems in Higher Education
- IKS in Education
- Policy Studies on K to 12
IV. Environmental Management
- Biosphere and Protected Areas Management
- Sustainability Assessment of Socio-Ecological Systems (terrestrial, riverine, estuarine and marine)
- Climate Proofing Ecosystems
- Biota and Habitat Conservation and Management Systems
- Alternative Livelihoods in Environmentally Critical Areas
- Sewerage and Waste Management and Disposal Systems
- Eco-Friendly Land Use Systems
- Green and Clean Industries (environmental engineering)
V. Bicol Development and Policy Studies
- Baseline Studies and Regional Natural resource inventories
- Assessment of Regional Impact Projects
- Technology Assessment
- Agri-Ecotorism Studies
- Explorative Studies on Food, Feed and Drugs development
- Cultural Studies