Aiming to be a national university for agriculture and a global university, Central Bicol State University of Agriculture seriously looks into its solid waste management operation. The university is composed of four campuses and caters to more than 10 000 students and 500 employees daily. A considerable number of food consumers are concentrated in one area. The university also has programs in agricultural production, both in livestock and crops.
The Central Bicol State University of Agriculture monitored food waste from the following generators last 2021: The canteen/Cafeteria generated an estimated 1 320 Kilos of food waste for the year. The pandemic has hampered the students’ physical involvement in activities at the university, substantially reducing consumption for this year. The Business Centers inside the campuses, which houses the concessionaires and small carinderias, generated the same amount – 1320 kilo/year. Two other generators were the residential (employees) – 19800kilos/year and Dormitories – 20196kilos/year. A staggering 42 metric tons for the main campus and a total of 105MT of food waste was generated for the whole university.
Food loss and waste undermine the sustainability of our food systems. When food is lost or wasted, all the resources producers use to produce this food – including water, land, energy, labor, and capital – go to waste. The university calls for the individual contribution of all stakeholders in reducing food waste and loss thru the following:
- Ordering the right amount of food
- Sharing food
- Choosing ugly fruit and vegetable
- Proper consumption
Efforts to sustainable food practices inside the university are envisioned to continuously improve as the university journeys towards ISO140001 certification in Environmental Management Systems. Under the Environmental Management Policies (CRC-PL-001) of the University Resilience Center, the management of Solid wastes, including food wastes, is mandated. Biodegradable wastes are composted at the Organic Agriculture Center. The OAC has programs in organic composting, vermin composting, and other organic agriculture practices.
All in one commitment to a green CBSUA.