- Bid Supplement Infra-21-07 (1)
- Bid Supplement Infra-21-06-A
- Bidding Documents (G-21-03) Purchase of IT Devices and Equipment for ICTO (1)
- Bidding Documents (G-21-04) Purchase of IT Equipment and Software
- G-22-01-A CAN Project
- G-22-02-A Smart Campus
- G-22-04-A Purchase of Materials for Maintenance Repair and Repainting of Various Building
- G-22-05 Procurement of Equipment and Appliances
- G-22-06 Procurement of I Pad
- G-22-07 Provisions of Office, IT Equipment and Fixtures
- G-22-19-A Provisions of Live Animals
- G-23-01 Additional works on Provisions of Establishment of Campus Area Network in CBSUA Campuses
- G-22-13-A Provisions of Janitorial Services with Supplies and Materials for April 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 (1)
- G-22-15-A Provisions of Books and References
- G-24-01 Provisions of Hardware Materials
- G-24-02 Purchase of Fuel, Oil, and Lubricants
- G-24-02-A Purchase of Fuel, Oil, and Lubricants
- G-24-03 Purchase of Sports Uniforms, Supplies and Materials
- G-24-04 Provision of Office and Laboratory Equipments
- G-24-05 Provision of Laboratory Equipment for Engineering
- Bid supplement for G-24-05
- Bid supplement for G-24-06
- G-24-06-A Provision of Animal Feeds
- G-24-07 Provision and Installation of Airconditioning Units
- G-24-08 Provisionof Agricultural Supplies for ItikPINAS Production
- G-24-09 Equipment and Furniture of New Environmental Science Building
- G-24-10 Provision of Materials for Repair of Carpentry, Electrical and Plumbing Works to the Various Classrooms of Colleges and CBSUA Buildings
- G-24-11 Provision of Janitorial Services with Supplies and Materials for January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025 (EPA 2025)
- G-24-12 Provision of Fuel, Oil and Lubricants for PPDS-Motorpool (EPA 2025)
- G-24-13 Provision of Various Other Machinery and Equipment
- G-24-14 Provision of Laboratory Supplies for Veterinary Teaching Hospital – Vaccine Facility (G-24-14)
- G-24-15 Provision of Two (2) Units Passenger Van for Calabanga and Sipocot Campus (EPA 2025) (G-24-15)
- G-24-12-A Provision of Fuel, Oil and Lubricants for PPDS-Motorpool (EPA 2025)
- G-24-14 Provision of Laboratory Supplies for Veterinary Teaching Hospital – Vaccine Facility (G-24-14) – REVISED
- G-24-15 Provision of Two (2) Units Passenger Van for Calabanga and Sipocot Campus (EPA 2025) (G-24-15)-REVISED
- Bid Supplement No. G-24-15
Bid Supplements
- Bid supplement for Infra-23-01
- Bid supplement for G-23-02
- Bid supplement for Infra-23-02-1
- Bid supplement for G-23-03
- Bid supplement for G-23-04
- Bid supplement for Infra-23-04-1
- Bid supplement for Infra-23-05
- Bid supplement for Infra-23-05-1
- Bid supplement for Infra-23-06
- Bid supplement for Infra-23-07
- Bid supplement for Infra-23-09
- Bid supplement for Infra-23-10
- Bid supplement for G-23-02
- Bid supplement for G-23-03
- Bid supplement for G-23-04
- Bid supplement for G-23-05
- Bid supplement for G-23-19
- Bid supplement for G-23-20
- Bid supplement for G-23-21
- Bid supplement for G-23-23
- Bid supplement for G-23-24
- G-23-01-A- Additional works on Provisions of Establishment of Campus Area Network in CBSUA Campuses
- G-23-02 Provisions of Laboratory Equipment
- G-23-03 Provisions of Office Equipment
- G-23-04 Provisions of Farm Machineries
- G-23-05-A Provisions of IT Equipment and Other Supplies
- G-23-06 Provisions of Laboratory Equipment and Supplies
- G-23-07 Provisions of Laboratory Equipment and Supplies
- G-23-07-A Provisions of Laboratory Equipment and Supplies
- G-23-08 Purchase of Materials for the Repair and Maintenance of Various Buildings and Facilities for PPDS
- G-23-09 Provisions of Equipment and Machineries
- G-23-10 Provisions of Laboratory Equipment
- G-23-11 Purchase of Printed Books for Reference
- G-23-12 Provisions of Molecular Biological Work Flow
- G-23-13-A Provisions of Laboratory Machineries, Equipment and Supplies
- G-23-13 Provisions of Laboratory Machineries, Equipment and Supplies
- G-23-14-A Provisions of Laboratory Supplies
- G-23-14 Provisions of Laboratory Supplies
- G-23-15 Provisions of Laboratory Supplies
- G-23-16 Purchase of CBSUA University Vehicles (1 Bus and 2 Passenger Van)
- G-23-16-A Purchase of CBSUA University Vehicles (1 Bus and 2 Passenger Van)
- G-23-17 Provision on Catering Services for 14th Charter Day Anniversary
- G-23-18 Provision of Audio System
- G-23-19 Info-Digital Campus Transformation Project
- G-23-20 Purchase of CBSUA University Vehicles (1 Bus and 1 Passenger Van)
- G-23-21 Provisions of Laboratory Supplies
- G-23-22 Provisions of Laboratory Equipment
- G-23-23 Provisions of Laboratory Equipment
- G-23-24 Provisions of Laboratory Equipment
- G-23-25 Provisions of Other Machinery and Equipment
- G-23-16-A1 Purchase of CBSUA University Vehicles (1 Bus )
- G-23-20-A Purchase of CBSUA University Vehicles (1 Bus)
- G-24-08-A Provision of Agricultural Supplies for ItikPINAS Production