During 8th Evaluation Meeting of SEA-Teacher Project on November 8-10, 2019 held at Phitsanulok, Thailand with VP Cesar Armando S. Camba with the Dean of College of Development Education, Dr. Raquel M. Reapor- Pili Campus, and the Deans of College of Education: Dr. Ana Maria Bonito -Sipocot Campus, Dr. Marabel Bernal – Calabanga Campus, and Dr. Lea Rose Credo of Pasacao Campus. Overview of the SEA-Teacher which gave emphasis on the (a) design of the SEA-Teacher, (b) the Transformation of mechanisms and evaluation, and (c) results of program and blog information. Panel Presentation on (a) internationalizing the Universities (which is not just sending, but also conducting of Research International Conferences); (b) Program implementation for outbound and inbound student teachers; (evaluation reporting; and (d) Growing up challenges.
News and photo credits to CBSUA Public Information Office