Abstract — Compliance to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) requirements and microbial quality of smoked fish from selected enterprises in Naga City and Pasacao, Camarines Sur, Philippines was evaluated. Seven enterprises were identified and were profiled as to processing techniques which were shown to be different among enterprises. Assessment to GMP compliance revealed that enterprises have very low conformity to organization, personnel, equipment and utensils, and hygiene and sanitation requirements. Three enterprises with more than 20 years existence, annual production of 10,000 kg to 30,000 kg and wider scope of distribution were chosen as source of smoked fish to be focused of microbial evaluation. Total plate count of the product revealed that only one of the enterprises produces smoked fish that is not beyond the standard limit 5X105 CFU/g. Detection for coliform revealed that values were low having values ranging from <50 CFU/g to <100 CFU/g however, smoked fish was found to be positive for contamination and presence of Escherichia coli, results showed counts ranging from <10 CFU/g to <20 CFU/g which is beyond the limits set by Philippine National Standards.